Newsletter #11

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Our News

Dear Friends,

Luminopolis is a magickal indoor festival organised by our community for our community aiming to inspire, uplift & unite. We grew from The Synergy Project. We are now Luminopolis, City of Light.

It has been a mixed summer for our community, with some great festivals including Sunrise, Glade, Small World, and Waveform, and some notable disasters including the cancellation of the Big Green Gathering who we wish all the best in difficult times. We are now at the Autumn Equinox, and outdoor festival season is at an end, so our thoughts are turning to the winter ahead and finding ways to keep our community spirit alive through the cold and dark months.

We have been looking for an alternative large venue to the SeOne but have so far found nothing that meets our needs for a Luminopolis event, so it seems unlikely that there will be any more Luminopolis events this year. However, the team will be working on smaller events, some of which we would like to recommend to you in this mailout, along with some campaigns and music that you may be interested in.

With light, love, and fulfilling experiences…
The Luminopolis team.

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WorldShift 2012 – Solutions for a Global Emergency
WorldShift 2012 is a global movement dedicated to co-creating the foundations of a peaceful, just and sustainable world by the end of 2012. It draws attention to the global state of social, economic and environmental emergencies we now face. Please add your name to the Declaration at and take positive actions of your own…

10:10 – Cutting 10% of Emissions in 2010
Pledge to reduce your carbon emissions by 10% during 2010…

Switch to Green Electricity
Use this easy switching tool that’s backed by Brian Eno and The Big Issue…

Plant a Tree
Plenty of good reasons why… get your hands dirty, or use these on-line initiatives… and

Don’t Waste Billions On Trident
Stop Gordon Brown cutting public services… instead tell him to cut the Trident nuclear weapons programme…

Stand Up For Your Rice!
Rice is daily food for half of the world’s population. Genetically modified (GM) rice, on the other hand, is a threat to our agriculture, our biodiversity and a possible risk to our health…

Push For Planet-Friendly Feed
The Government has an opportunity to help the UK reduce its reliance on imported soy to feed farm animals…

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MMCD001 || Halogen :: Baked
Out on CD and Digital Download 5th October

Halogen is the brainchild of 21-year old producer Adam Janota-Bzowski. Starting out his musical exploration as a guitarist & vocalist in several bands in the underground London post rock scene, a move to Brighton in 2006 to study digital music & sound art seems to have shifted his attention towards idm & electronica & judging by the results on this his debut album, that shift seems to have been a very good move indeed.

Mixing warm, organic melodies with intricate glitched-out electronics, found sounds & samples, Halogen has created a delicate & mature record which belies his tender years. Highly emotive, with plenty of depth & subtle beauty, this ranks highly in the recent crop of quality electronic releases from the likes of lj kruzer, jon hopkins, dextro & ochre. Superb. Maternity music…

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Other Events

The Weathermen Debate : Thur 24/09/2009,  8pm-10pm

Firstly this Thursday, downstairs at the Inspiral Lounge in Camden our debates host Jeff Laster will be hosting


In the 40th Anniversary year of the notorious American radical group ‘WEATHERMAN’ (a.k.a. The Weathermen/Weather Underground), infamous for its advocacy of violent revolutionary protest and change, ex-Weatherman Jeff Laster hosts a talk about the group’s brief and fiery history.. The circumstances of how and why Weatherman/Weather Underground emerged from SDS and the American Anti-War Movement will be examined as well as the causes of its sudden and chaotic demise.

The justification by Weatherman/Weather Underground (and other similar groups) of its ‘violent’ tactics in the context of radical protest in 1969 will be discussed in depth. Jeff and the audience will then analyse the relevance/irrelevance of Weatherman tactics in the context of radical protest in the UK in 2009 and the question of violent vs. non-violent protest will be revisited.

The changing nature of the ‘Protest Paradigm’ itself will also be explored.

In addition, the Weatherman experiments with (mandatory) Group Sex, Anti-Monogamous Free Love and Revolutionary Psychedelic Usage will be recounted and their relevance to the current Radical Movement and the Alternative Culture in general analysed.

Audience participation will be encouraged at all times. Segments of the Weather Underground film will be shown.


Mass Abductions :  Fr 25/09/2009, 10.30pm-6am

This Friday, Luminopolis favourites Orchid Star and friends will be playing at MASS ABDUCTIONS at MASS, St. Matthew’s Church, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1JF


A night of gorgeous, lush, uplifting psychedelic/global music to dance to or just wrap yourself up in.

Terra Nine (Tempest Recordings)
Trancient Dreams (Suspira Studios, Liquid Sound)
Suspira (Suspira Studios)
Orchid-Star (Liquid Sound, Archangel Records)

Sean Spindrift
Pete Ardron

Plus digital exhibitions

Triple album-launch party for

Terra Nine “Stream of Consciousness”
Trancient Dreams “Radio Sonic Healing”
Suspira “Past & Present Sonic Lights”

The first 150 to buy tickets will also receive a free CD with 2 tracks each from all of the live acts including 2 from Orchid-Star’s 2nd album – currently in production

£8.50 in advance from including booking fee, £10 on the door. Special offer £5 paying guest list for people on our mailing list – to join the mailing list email us at .

For info, E:, M: 07947 373821


The Festival of Life : Sat 26/09/2009 10.30am-11.30pm

This Saturday, the Festival of Life will be pushing the boundaries of conscious alcohol-free events: The Festival of Life 2009 at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL

Now in it’s 6th year, the Festival of Life is one day family-friendly event in central London which celebrates compassionate healthy eating and sustainable living. The entrance fee includes over 50 free talks and workshops, an ethical marketplace with over 60 stalls, and an evening dance party. Highlight speakers include

Dr. Robert Verkerk PhD (Alliance for Natural Health) – on Codex Alimentarius and Swine Flu vaccine
John Harris (Freeman on the Land) – reclaiming our Common Law
Jill Swyers (Hippocrates health educator) – transitioning to a living and raw foods diet
Greg Sams (Author and inventor of the VegeBurger) – the sun as a conscious deity
Gina Shaw (Health and nutrition consultant) – the 19 essentials for human health
Duncan Law (Transition Town Brixton) – an introduction to the transition movement
Kate Magic (Raw Living) – raw magic through detoxing with living foods and super foods
Chris Knight (Radical anthropologist) – the origins and evolution of life and culture
Bernadette Vallely (Tantric love guru) – healing yourself with sexual energy
Glenn Jenkins (Marsh Farm and Exodus Collective) – leaving babylon – organise, occupy, produce

PLUS – raw food demos * hemp nutrition * permaculture * Biodanza * Shakti dance * yoga * meditation * bhajans * sacred geometry * healers * facepainters * children’s workshop and entertainment room * organic raw vegan food and juice bars and much more.. see for the full lineup in all 7 rooms

the event finishes with an uplifting dance party from 6-11.30pm, featuring in the main room

SECRET VIBES (live trance with flute, didge, percussion)
BEATS ECSTATIC (live drumming group)
SOLARQUEST (Entropica)
Dreadnaut (Liquid Sound)
Loveland (Green Angels)
Sacred Ecstasy connective dance warmup from 7-8pm

in the InSpiral chillout room:
Halogen (Maternity)
Sparkle (Fluid Audio)
Dom Spiral (InSpiral)

plus live acoustic room with: Hayereyah (soulful folk reggae), Paradox (existential beat poet), and bamboo flute from Fabrice de Graef
Food stalls include Inspiral Cafe and Rainforest Creations, and all food and drinks are organic, raw, vegan, and very tasty!

Entrance price for the whole day including all talks, workshops and party is £10 full price, £8 concessions
entry after 4pm is £7, £5 for concessions
accompanied under 16s get in free
a refund of £4 is available if leaving before 7pm, though we recommend you stay for the evening party

The Festival of Life is a smoke, drug, and alcohol-free event, and is a not-for-profit organisation affiliated to the Permaculture Association charity.

More info at 0870 7344 888


London Festival of Tantra : Sat 03/10/2009, 10am-10pm
at Chelsea Old Town Hall, Kings Road, London SW3 5EE

What awaits you at the London Festival of Tantra 2009?

The paradox of Love, which you’ve always known, but learn anew in every moment of your daily lives – that Love can de-stress you; unwind you to feel full of freedom and space – but Love can also be a cleansing rush of energy through your body, as thrilling as your first kiss.

You can listen from a distance to ancient wisdom reinterpreted for your modern life, or immerse yourself in a feeling of Love, a feeling of wholeness and goodness through music and meditation, yoga and dance. Above all, this is a safe day, one where you can play with ideas, and take away simple tools to use in your everyday life, whilst waiting for a bus, or on the phone.

Christian Kyriacou – Love & The Golden Mean
Marta Emitt & Robert Osborn – Celtic Moon Meditation
Alexander Hay – The Rishi Isometrics
Nalini and Friends – Sacred Music
Rita Hraiz – Love & the Christ Consciousness
Panel Discussion – What is Love? – featuring Mahasatvaa Ma Ananada Sarita, Kip Moore, Maa Parvathi Nath Saraswati, Rita Hraiz, chaired by Bernadette Vallely.
Solara An Ra – A Divine Meditation on Love
Kip Moore – Love, Simplicity & Truth
Maa Parvathi Nath Saraswati – What is Love ?

Jewels Wingfield – Ecstatic Dance Chakra Journey
Bhajan Kuar (Kwalilox) – Kundalini Yoga
Carolyn Williams & Lindel Graham – The Unity Holomatrix of Love
Cathy Rowan & Uta Demontis – The Tao of Love
Christian Kyriacou – Love & The Divine Harmonic
Leora Lightwoman – The Flow of Sexual Love
Robert Osborn & Marta Emitt – Celtic Tantra & Love
Sara Kali – Laughter Yoga
Cate MacKenzie – The Art of Becoming Love
Elahn Keshava & Radhe – Bhakti Kirtan Devotional Singing

Plus sacred art by GI Neve, Cate MacKenzie, Rita Hraiz and Shiva-Shakti shrine with Erin Dixon & Adrian Bhatti.  Meetings Without Masks – How naked are you willing to be, without taking your clothes off? A tiny, tender, taste of Naked Dating to tempt your senses and touch your heart, with intimacy and relationship coach, Jan Day.  Stalls, shrines, refreshments, face painting by Simone Kay.  Priestesses of the Goddess with Sara Kali.

Tickets and info from


Electric Circus : Fri 09/10/2009 10pm-7am

Our friends at Skandalous will be putting on an amazing show called Electric Circus at the Scala, Kings Cross 275-277 Pentonville Rd, London, N1 9NL

Electric Circus flyer

Electric Circus is a miniature indoor festival of LURVE!! Our aim is to tickle all of your senses and tug on your heart strings :0) This will be a Transylvanian Ball packed full of sexy, cutting edge performances from Dancers and Circus Folk from around the world, with music from some of the best bands and DJs the UK has to offer.

0ur manifesto is to induce maximum fun and laughing while raising money for precious medicines needed by the people of Gaza.
After our last event – a small affair @ Inspiral Lounge, Camden – we traveled with a Hope Convoy and took the money raised to Egypt where we bought the medicines and delivered them personally to a clinic outside Gaza City. This clinic was desperately in need as they are unable to receive important supplies any other way.

This time: we’re taking the circus with us!!

This event is brought to you by women who really like their freedom, and who reckon women like everyone else in Gaza should enjoy the same freedom.

We do not give our money to a third party to do with as they will….we deliver directly to the people…it’s the only way.

The next Convoy leaves at the end of November…and we intend to be going along with the money you help us raise at Electric Circus….

So YOU and your bestest, maddest costume can make a difference!!! ;0)

Dress: Freakishly Sexy, Free Thinking and Fabulous!

Main room moosica: From Skandalous!, Fluorotrash and lots of our mates

The Mighty Zion Train (Live as One Remixed’ Tour)
Subsource (Exclusively Launching Their New Album Tales From The Doombox!)
Dick Trevor
Bobby Lost Vs Bugs Raplin
Far Too Loud
Dj Miss Pink
Miss OddKid
Ryan Styles

Equador ‘Boylesque’ Show!

Fluorotrash Psychadelic Acrobatic Cabaret
Tess Taylor (Miss Pole Dance UK Finalist!)
Stunning aerial displays including aerial cube
Erial C
Cancan knees up
Rainbow Collectors

Naked ‘The Damn Sexy Party’ room :

Syber Symon
Ben Zaven Crane d.j set (Mojo FIlter) with Vj Precious RGB
Julieta Blue (Naked)
Hopi (Nano Records)

The Peppermint Hippo Room
An intergalactic Red Light District, watch out for our in house mutant walkabouts and shadow dancers.
Speakers Corner Quartet

Liquid Ross
Qdos Vs Aaron Audio

Dance with your Shadow
Slackers Convention brings their very own brand of ‘Breaks, Beats and Party Nonsence for the Discerning Underachiever’ for an evening out at the Circus . .

Richie Balboa (Nsb)
LuQas (Dead Famous Records, Slackers)
Pav (Slackers, Nsb)
Dirtbomb (Slackers, Electric Playboys)

Room 4: Secret Squirrels Rocking Chillout
Nik Sequencie
Erik The Viking
Sick Boi
Mark Bedouin

Plus:Interactive Theatre,Peep Show,Random Acts Of Beauty,Live Drawing Panoramas

See for more info.

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The Synergy Project
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